Sunday, 13 February 2011

Go Where You Look

In life, you go where you look. You choose the direction of your destiny—and they you get walking. Or skip, or slip, or hurdle, or crawl, or dance; however you can get to where you are going.

Overwhelming, I know. But every journey begins with a single step. You never hear of a journey beginning with two, or three, or, say, sixteen.

Empowering, it’s true. But form a plan before you get to the crossroads. Doubt will be less likely to overtake you there, and sink its fangs into your ankle when you’re distracted and studying the blurry signpost.

And confident. Like any self-fulfilling prophecy, you’ve got the reins of your own fate in your hands; you discard the strings of the puppet for the hat of the puppeteer. I’ve heard, once, that this creates the loveliest turning of tables: instead of your circumstances creating your decisions, it is your decisions that create your circumstances. Fate need not stamp you and wrinkle you and morph you with the many labels of identity or habit or drudgery or unhappiness. Your choices chisel and color the countenance of your fate. It’s all about perspective; it’s all about how you… look at it.

So set your eyes on the prize, as the saying goes. And get going yourself.


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